Image: Seeto Photography
I thought it’d be fun to continue a tradition I started on this blog - to reflect on what the past year has taught me and how it’s helped me grow (check out my thank you, 2018 post).
This year has been a momentous one for me, particularly because I decided to do something that never ever crossed my mind in the past. But it’s one decision I don’t regret one bit… in fact, I must say that I’ve never felt more alive and excited to be doing what I’m doing now.
I’ll probably go into a bit more detail in another post, but what I’m referring to is when I decided to study theology. Some of you who read this would already know that we moved to Vancouver so my husband could go to seminary here, but that was never a call that I felt was placed on my life. However, it seems like God was nudging me toward it over the course of 2018… and when many things fell into place in 2019 that allowed it to happen, it was almost like God was truly making a way for me to pursue theological studies.
My biggest worry was how we were to “survive” financially since both of us would become full-time students. It definitely weighed a lot on me and caused some stress, while the husband simply said in response to all my frazzled outbursts: “God will provide.” And, as I type away on this post in our beautiful new apartment that’s minutes away from school, I cannot disagree at all. Even though our financial burdens may have increased, His provision has increased and has been more than we could have ever asked for. Looking back now at how He has been so faithful to both of us this year… words can’t even begin to describe how I feel.
This quote and artwork by Morgan Harper Nichols was my phone lockscreen for the entire year. It was something I sought to live out, and studying theology was definitely one of the ways I “went after courage”. But these words propelled me forward into so many other experiences and situations throughout the year, like:
Finally going on the green runs while snowboarding. I’ve had a fear of heights since forever, so taking the chair lift was something I did not want to attempt at all. Plus, I’m still a novice at snowboarding, so I didn’t feel particularly confident at the idea of leaving the bunny slope :p But when I finally did it (while hyperventilating throughout on my first trip up), it just got easier and easier the more I did so. And even though I still fell flat on my face when trying to disembark from the chair lift every single time, getting over my fear of heights was already a super significant milestone for me!
Going on a press trip to Quadra Island, BC. We’ve lived in British Columbia for over two years, but there’s so much more to explore here. I was absolutely thrilled to have been invited to stay at Taku Resort on Quadra Island and review it for BCLiving this summer. If you’re looking for a slow, peaceful getaway out of the city, this is one place to check out.
Making new friends at school. I know this might sound hilarious, but making friends - especially when you’re an adult - is hard. It’s tempting to just flit in and out of the classroom without really bothering to chat with the stranger beside you. After all, it involves quite a bit of courage, creating space to get to know him or her, and then continuing to invest in that friendship. Still, I’m glad I’ve gotten to know some of my fellow first-years better over the past few months, and I’ve also thoroughly enjoyed talking to people from different cultures and nationalities and praying with and for them.
This blog has been pretty silent since August because I’ve been completely swamped with writing assignments and research papers for school. So if you’re still here reading this, thank you for sticking around. I’ve got loads of new interviews and content lined up, and I’m excited to share them with you as we head into 2020.
I would also love to hear what 2019 has been like for you - were there some crazy life-changing moments that occurred? How did God show up? What are some things that you are still struggling with? Feel free to share your stories in the comments box below and let me know how I can support you in prayer <3
pin for later:
a short essay on sensorial delight