I've been cooking a lot more than I'm used to because eating out is expensive here (seriously missing $3 coffeeshop food rn).
So to break the monotony, I decided to try baking this weekend. I discovered a recipe for a healthy blueberry and banana bread. There's zero sugar added, although it does ask me to add maple syrup, and it uses whole wheat flour, which is healthier compared to white flour. (I used this flour for my vegan pancakes too and they turned out fine!)
Anyways, I am proud to say that it turned out a lot better than I expected! The blueberries added a natural sweetness to the bread, which wasn't too dry or too crumbly (whew).
It was the perfect way to spend a really cold night in - the temperature dipped to 14 degrees today. Plus, it also means that breakfast for the next week ahead is sorted *yaaaaaas*. Omgosh I am SO domesticated now - who would've thought?!
a singaporean-canadian couple on serving God faithfully