i (finally) got baptised
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you call me out upon the waters
the great unknown
where feet may fail

my baptism testimony

and there i find You in the mystery
in oceans deep

my faith will stand

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and i will call upon Your name
and keep my eyes above the waves
when oceans rise
my soul will rest in Your embrace
for i am Yours, and You are mine

- Oceans, Hillsong United


Soooo I finally got baptised on Sunday, June 3 2018! The weather that day turned out a little gloomy (it was cold and rainy), but I felt that there was so much to rejoice in.

Each of us getting baptised shared our personal stories before our friends and family. We went into the Pacific Ocean, where we were baptised as the pastors said "you are dead to sin... and alive in Christ". Then we were anointed with oil and prayed over.

I thought the entire service was really meaningful, because we all had a chance to speak, and because it didn't feel rushed or a little too rote. I appreciated that so many pastors were present too.

A big thank you goes out to my husband, who waded into the cold waters to hand me a towel because he was afraid I would be shivering, and also kept trying to towel off my wet hair (hahaha). And to all my friends who showed up and celebrated with me after: thank you for being there ♥

I've shared my baptism testimony below, and I hope it blesses and encourages you.

(All images are by my friend Tze - he's one crazy talented photographer!)

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I am not a new believer, or a young one. I actually feel like a creaky old Christian: I’ve attended church since I was 14, been a part of countless prayer groups and church camps, sung in the youth choir, led a life group… you name it, I’ve done it.

Except getting baptised (obviously).

Some people have asked me: Why now? It’s a question I’ve wrestled with, even as I signed myself up for baptism class and watched the videos of folks getting dunked in the waters here.

A part of me thought it was okay not to be baptised – after all, I still am a believer, and I’ve seen and experienced God’s goodness in my life in so many ways. Another part of me was so absorbed in my work over the past few years that this never came to mind.

I also struggled a lot with writing this testimony. I felt that my conversion story wasn’t compelling enough to be told, because I don’t exactly have a “before and after I met Christ” journey.

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But God has convicted me: That my story is His story. That my every laugh, every joy, every pain, every tear shed, was seen and heard and felt by Him.

He wept with me when my grandmas passed away, and when my beloved dog died of old age.

He rejoiced with me when I walked down the aisle and exchanged my marriage vows, and when I got a job I had always wanted to do.

He welcomed me with open arms in the times I strayed far away and couldn’t feel Him near.

With those same arms stretched wide, He showed me a love beyond imagination when I thought I was too damaged and broken to be loved again.

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Because of Jesus’ love for me, I have been set free from chasing after the things of this world endlessly and mindlessly, things that do not complete nor satisfy.

Because of Jesus’ love for me, I choose to live a life that’s authentic, honest and pleasing to Him, without fear of judgment or condemnation.

Because of Jesus’ love for me, my story has purpose, has meaning, has weight.

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Nine months ago, I left Singapore for Vancouver. Fittingly enough, I am going to publicly declare that I have been born again, and that I am His, in just a few moments. I would never have thought I’d be here today, but here I am, standing before all of you and testifying to God’s glory, goodness and grace.

I might be late to the party, but it’s never too late. And I can’t wait to see how my story – and His story – continues.

