life in vancouver, illustrated
One of the first friends I made here is Angeline. We have a lot in common: We're both from South-east Asia, our husbands are both pastors in the making, and we enjoy being creative. Her gift: illustration, calligraphy and custom portraits (check out her Instagram account @teaylormade).
One of her most popular works of art comprise a series of comics featuring her experiences in Vancouver. These hand-drawn images are filled with humour and irony, and they never fail to make me chuckle. I'm overjoyed that she's agreed to share them on this blog :)
View some of my favourite picks below, and find out more about Angeline's style of art and what inspires her!
Hi, Angeline! Describe your style of art in three words.
"Cute (I think I have made my peace with this word), clean, and warm."
The Struggle Is Real | "What is the one thing you wish you had brought with you from your home country?", asked the chairlady during orientation. "OUR KING SIZE BED!!!" We each found ourselves on the floor several times in the middle of the night #thisisnotajoke C'mon, full size is not even queen size! Anyways, we got used to sleeping like a mummy after 2 months so we are all good lol.
GIVE ME WATERRRRR | We nearly dropped dead due to dehydration on the first day of arrival. #thisisalsonotajoke "Vancouver now boasts the purest tap water in the world, please drink it," said the bank manager, who obviously felt compassion for two poor (dry) Malaysians who look like they just survived a drought. Don't blame us. Malaysians have at least 2 water filters installed in every home.
What has life in Vancouver been like for you?
"Life has been an emotional rollercoaster ride. Six months ago, I arrived in a foreign land with no friends, no work permit, no income and nothing familiar. I often felt insecure, inferior and intimidated. I needed a way to release my anxiety and talk about my feelings, so I started drawing about my struggles living here as a newcomer (with a little bit of humour). As cliche as it may sound, my drawings saved me. I started having conversations with people because they could relate to my drawings. My friends and family back home felt more connected, because they got to know more about my life here through my drawings. I started to have more conversations with myself too. Slowly, the fact that I am now living in a new place with a new community has sunk in. I certainly feel more settled and at home in Vancouver now. We are safely sheltered in a tiny apartment we now call home, doing life with strangers we now call friends, and we've braved through failures we now call lessons learned. God has been very, very, very good."
Grocery Shopping | The supermarket weekly flyer tops our reading list. #sorryregent Grocery shopping is now our favourite date night activity. We celebrate our savings for the day and exchange a triumphant grin when we redeem a carton of free eggs using loyalty points. #YASSS p/s: Save-On-Foods is a real grocery store name.
THANKSGIVING | So 10 minutes into lunch, nobody has eaten anything yet. The food-passing ceremony is epic. 😂 #eyeingonthatturkey #butkeepgettingveggies #whereisthegravy #whenistheporkcoming My first Canadian Thanksgiving thanks to John & Naomi + Regent family <3 "In every thing give thanks.." -1 Thessalonians 5:18
What do you enjoy most about living in Vancouver?
"Definitely the space and time to do what I love - art! Although no one restricted me from doing so back home, somehow I was always held back from exploring my creativity in full. Over here, I had a four-month window to do whatever I wanted to do while waiting for my work permit to get approved. So I signed up for continuing study courses in Emily Carr University, one of the best art and design universities in Canada.
I created my own art brand TeaylorMade on my 31st birthday, and participated as a vendor in a Christmas Artisan Market for the first time in my life! Since then, I have been drawing portraits for clients and even shipped an order to the U.S. I would not have been able to experience any of these if had stayed in Malaysia and continued my routine life in my comfort zone."
COINS | We still fail at getting the dime and nickel right. Why is 5c bigger than 10c? Just why? *Canadian Coin Guide* Toonie $2 /Loonie $1 /Quarter 25c /Dime 10c /Nickel 5c
WRECK BEACH | We have a clothing-optional (NUDE) beach, on campus. Hike down 500 wooden steps to enjoy the sun, the sand, the sea...and a magnificent view... (if you manage to find a clear spot to place your eyes). Come here with caution, some things just can't be unseen... eg: that naked happy teenager emerging from the horizon like a whale or that old man who decided to talk to you while putting on clothes.
What do you want people to feel when they see your art?
"People often tell me that my art makes them feel warm and happy. I want people to see the world with a childlike heart: To always believe, always trust, always hope and always love."
UMBRELLA-ELLA-EH | I used to laugh at people who wear fishmarket rubber rainboots on the street. PLEASE ACCEPT MY SINCERE APOLOGIES!! YOUR $200 HUNTER RAINBOOTS ARE THE CUTEST THING EVER!! Seriously, I think I need to get a canoe to go to class. And I find myself googling nonsense like "10 Ways to Beat The Blues In Raincouver"
What are some artists' Instagram accounts you’re obsessed with right now and why?
"I love the characters @mimochai creates, her creative storytelling and her ever-inspiring dreams. @anneliesdraws shows me endless possibilities with colour pencils, the colours she uses and the importance of tiny little details. @mizutamahanco's account is clean, cute and full of fun illustrations and stationery to ogle at. And @heikala has amazing watercolour skills - her drawings are full of detail."
View more of Angeline's comics on her personal Instagram @angelineteay, and her works at @teaylormade.
a singaporean-canadian couple on serving God faithfully